Final year of uni!!! Cant wait for it to be over!! This is just a boring blog of randomness, with everything from figure skating and Nudie Jeans to outings with mates and crazy updates. Don't come back too often though, it takes me a while to put up anything new. I get a bit lazy, but what can I say, I am a procrastinating uni student...
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Bad Idea...
I have a new found appreciation for some things that I've been taking for granted.. not so much little things, but, well actually really important things!! Like being able to walk.
On Wednesday after Gamelan class, I hung around for a while to ask one of the community students some advice on playing the Gender. Some other people came to join and I ended up staying back till about 7:30 just chatting and listening to them play.
When I left, the sun was setting, and it was cool, so instead of waiting of the next bus, I decided I'd start to walk home. It was a really nice walk, but I think cause I was listening to my mp3 player and had some up beat songs.. I must have walked a little too fast... two and a half hours (and 15km) later I was at South Terrace in the city, feet aching.. soooo much pain, until I could barely walk. but I still had an hour of walking before I'd be home. Walking up King William street, Mitch called, he just finished soccer, so I got him to pick me up on the way home.... I'm normally ok with walking long distances, but I dunno what happened.. I've never been in this much pain from walking before.. but I think maybe just cause I walked too fast, and for a long period of time.
I spent the next 2 days at home, barely able to stand, let alone walk! on saturday went to the supermarket with mitch and it wasn't too bad, but after about 10 minutes they started to ache again.. its hard to describe, its just REALLY painful. I started to realize how mum felt lately.. I spent Sunday inside all day, and today.. Monday... I had uni from 12-4pm.. and it wasn't so bad... I could still feel it wasn't quite right, but it didn't hurt too much... but then on the way home just now, I think I walked too fast again and its not healed properly... a few more days and I should be 100% again.. but yeah.. I'm just surprised how long it hurt for... I guess its like any sore muscle, like after they gym.. except cause its in my foot.. its sore every time I stood up or walked..
Anyway.. now that its getting better, and I don't look like an old man hobbling around the house, I've realized how we tend to take things for granted... "little things" .. but are actually really important.. especially to do with our health.
So I guess I'm just thankful that for the most part I'm healthy & safe. (among many other things!!!)
Aku kan udah lama pesen sepatu ice skatingku... trus katanya 5 stengah minggu... berarti aku harusnya dapat sepatunya tanggal 23 Maret (dua hari lagi).
Aku email ke sana tanggal 13 untuk lunasin smuanya, trus dy ga jawab pas aku nanya kapan akan dikirim... jadi aku nanya lagi hari ini.. katanya dari tanggal 13 itu butuh 2 minggu lebih, baru dia dapat!... berarti akhir minggu depan baru dia dapat, truz dy harus pasang bladenya n bikin bahannya anti air.. beberapa hari lagi.. baru bisa dikirim ke sini..
Berarti aku ga akan nunggu 2 hari lagi untuk sepatunya, tapi kira-kira 3 minggu lagi!! SIAL! Jadi bukan 5.5 minggu tapi 2 bulan untuk dapat sepatunya!
Sebel! Tapi gimana lagi, emang harus ditunggu ajah...
You don't wanna street-street???
iki lho.. bahasa Indonesia buat kamu nih Ru. =P hehe



Hari ini aku kuliah jam 11~2 siang. Linda sms aku paginya, ngajakin nonton tarian hip hop malam ini, ntar lagi kakakku mau pulang, trus dy akan anterin aku ke sana...
Anyway.. abis kuliah, aku ga mau langsung pulang.. n beberapa hari yg lalu aku chatting ma dama, dy bilang kalo di Canberra ada Teh Kotak. Aku juga jadi mikirin produk2 indonesia yg
aku suka dulu.. n aku jadi pengen. Jadi aku bikin rencana... aku mau ke pasar (central market) abis kuliah.
Aku jalan kaki ke king william street, rencananya naik tram, ga jauh sih, tapi pengen naik aja.. hehe. Aku hampir udah sampai, aku liat.. ada banyak orang lagi nungguin tramnya, tapi yg menarik perhatianku itu ada 4 wanita, smuanya lagi ngobrol2.. aku masih di kiri jalan halte tramnya di tengah jalan. aku ngeliat ke mereka... mereka bawa dua pram dengan dua bayi. dan dua dari empat cewek itu berjilbab.... aku ngeliatin terus... kayaknya orang indonesia aku mikir... dari gayanya, dari expresinya... ya.. itu orang indonesia!!... aku nyebrang jalan ke tempat tram itu
Aku nyamperin 4 orang itu... berdiri di sebelah... masih ngeliatin mereka (tanpa sadar.. aku ga bermaksud mirip serial killer!!) mereka ngobrol2 aja... aku langsung denger bahasa indonesia!! itu emang orang indonesia ternyata!! aku senang.. entah kenapa... berdiri aja di sebelah mereka, dengerin merka ngomongin apa... tiba2 satu dari itu pamit n naik tram yg lain. Yang lain masih ada, n aku masih dengerin dengan diem.. bingung kalo aku harusnya ngomong apa nggak... tapi ngapain juga aku ngomong sama mereka, kenala aja nggak.. jadi aku diem aja dengerin.. entah kenapa aku jadi aneh gini.. tapi aku senang aja dengerin bhs indonesia lagi. hehe
Pas mau turun dari tram, mereka juga terun, tapi jalan ke arah yg laen. aku masuk central market n pergi ke satu toko yg aku yakin ada produk dari Jepang dan Cina... mungkin aja ada produk2 indonesia kan... aku mulai nyari.... pertama.. ga ada.... terus aku ketemu beberapa...
We even have durian flavoured DODOL!!! haha
dan aku ga pernah liat indomie sebanyak ini!!!
Aku beli beberapa macam makanan dan minuman trus berangkat... sebenernya aku ga pergi ke pasarnya, tapi cuman satu toko ini.. hehe. balik ke tempat tram, mau balik lagi... tapi tiba2 aku berubah pikiran.. ga jauh soalnya, jadi aku tiba2 pengen jalan kaki aja. aku liat queen Victoria di jalan lho!! percaya nggak?? ini lho!!
Trus ada water fountain yg keren juga.. sebenernya aku udah pernah liat tapi ga pernah difoto.
Maaf kalo blog ini 'agak sedikit' panjang... tapi moga2 foto2nya bikin ceritanya lebih menarik..
Anyway.. aku jalan kaki sambil main foto2 kaya turis... dilihatin orang, tapi aku ga peduli. Aku balik ke mall, mau nyari rice cooker! Aku cari di Myer, ada yg bagus, bentuknya bagus kaya yg aku mau, tapi gede banget, yg laen di myer jelek semua. Jalan2 lagi, ke Harris Scarfe (ga tau ejaannya.. haha) di sana ga ada sama sekali!! di David Jones, ada yg bagus, lebih kecil, tapi harganya hampir sama dengan yg gede di Myer, jadi mendingan yg gede aja!!
Aku pas mau balik ke Myer untuk beli rice cookernya aku liat ada pengamen... nah, mungkin kalian mikir pengamen itu yg bawa gitar apa slalu nyanyi "wer e wer e wer" gitu kan?? Well.. pengamen ini berbeda.. unique! lucu! .. dan setengah bugil.. haha (ga penting banget) biasanya aku juga ga berhenti kalo ada pengamen, aku lihat pas lewat aja.. tapi ini beda... entah kenapa tapi aku berhenti, dan walaupun aku akhirnya kasih $5 aku ga menyesal! soalnya dy keren! Dia main dengan bola... dengan api... dan dengan pisau!
Keren kaaannn?? km ga percaya tadi kan?? well itu buktinya! nonton videonya!!
(aku udah coba semalam, n lagi pagi ini... tapi videonya ga bisa diupload... ada di FACEBOOK!! Sana gih! liat di facebookku aja yaaaa!! .. sumpah, keren, pasti ga menyesal nunggu downloadnya =D .. sana liat!! cepetan!)
Oce, abis nonton pengamen yang lucu itu (aku bilangnya lucu soalnya dy (dengan becanda) coba menipu orang luar.. dy bilang "biasanya kalo di australia orang rata2 kasih $50 ke pengamen" itu Rp400.000 lho!! haha) lucu deh.. anyways, abis itu aku balik ke Myer dan beli rice cookerku!!!! =D senangnyaaaaa... aku langsung mikirin tempe n bumbu pedas yg aku beli tadi di pasar.. mau bikin ayam goreng!! Tapi ga jadi bikin hari ini soalnya ini udah mau jam 5 sore waktu itu, jadi aku makan aja dulu di kota sambil nungguin kakak selesai kerja, biar aku ga harus naik bis bawa rice cookernya.
Pulaaaang.. langsung dibuka dan dicuci.. masih blom sempat dipake... tapi aku naruhnya di sini! bagusss kahhhnn??!?! rice cookerkuuu?? aku ga pernah punya sebelumnya.. jadi aku senang.. haha... sekarang lebih gampang lagi untuk masak nasi, n itu tetep panas berjam2 =D
Waduh! satu blog nih ga selesai-selesai!!! .. aku udah cape nulisnya.. kamu pasti cape bacanya! haha... oce oce.. cepet selesaikan yaaa.. gpp kan? ...
oce.. gini ceritanya... aku beli sayang baruku (si Ricky .. entah kenapa aku kasih nama ke rice cookerku...) trus pulang... nanti malamnya aku keluar sama linda (ini baru pulang n nulis blog ini lagiiiii makanya cape, udah ngantuk.. udah jam 2 pagi!) oce oce... pergi nonton Hip Hop... tapi ternyata bukan tarian.. tapi konser.. lumayanlah... itu smua orang lokal.. ga terkenal... n ga begitu pinter nge-rap.. hehe. . tp gpp.. masih lumayanlah.. abis itu kita ke The garden of Earthly Delights.. dekat East tce.. bagus banget, tapi aku lupa fotoin tempatnya. trus aku beli permen yg panjang kaya ular, manis tapi asin juga (nggak kayak permennya Vando yg bikin aku mau muntah) kalo ini emang enak! hehe
Aku telpon kakak.. trus pulang... n nulis blog ini lagi... sekarang.. udah mau boboooo!!! ngantuk neh! haha... tapi ini masih nungguin upload video ke blog ini.. ya udah.. aku bobo aja dulu.. besok aja aku posting ini ya... sabar yaaa. (haha.. sedikit ga masuk akal... soalnya pas kalian baca ini udah akan ada videonya.. wkakaka) aku udah gila karena kecapean..
selamat malam semuanya!!! =D
My new room
Another post I probably should have done about a week ago...
Well... I've been on the couch for AGES, like almost 2 months... With no room of my own, I finally decided to get it organized. I got my brother to move all his stuff out of my room and I went to mum's place to pick up everything I had put in storage. Hauled it all over to my place, and put it in my room... soon realizing that i had no where to put it all, i got my bookshelf from mum's place too, which was a great help! Before i got to putting in all of my stuff though, I put in the bit things first, the bed, the desk, keyboard and my drawers, they all did several laps of my room.. being put in every possible location before I decided on my final setup.. Now that the big things were in, all the little stuff could come... and it did!!
I couldn't even get in the door, or open t wide enough to take a better photo. Anyway... a few hours later (understatement of the century!!!) believe it or not, I got most of this stuff to fit in my room.. and it now looks like this!
Bagus kan kamarku?? hehehe... aku ikut heru deh.. pake air mattress.
So what do you think of my room?? .. I like it! I'm happy I finally have my own space.. I was living out of a suitcase for a while.. and I think finally having my own room and my own space has made it a bit easier to settle back into life in Australia.
COMMENTS?? hehe.. indonesia banget ya?? hehe banyak lukisan & ukiran di kamarku.. ada juga foto kalian semua!! n satu sarung, dipake sebagai pelindung keyboard.. hehe.
WomAdelaide ~ Sounds of the planet
Womad... A music festival lasting three days in Adelaide, hosting artist from all over the world. Although music and dance is the main event, there is also heaps of food and artists with their work on display and up for sale! I was invited by Linda to go check it out, and after having heard so many great things about Womad, and never having seen it for myself, I thought "why not??" .. It was a little expensive, I think about $70 for a day pass, but we only went for one day, so yeah, not too bad.
When we first arrived, we walked through the gates, into the garden, and in an opening were heaps of flags flying high in the breeze, it looked amazing!
(not all of the photos are uploading.. dunno why... if you're interested check out my "Womadelaide" album on facebook!! =D )
what else?? it was like a month ago, so I dont really remember.. haha.. pokoknya asik deh! .. one of the best ones was a girl from china, such an interesting and unique voice and style, it was amazing.. even though I didn't understand what she was singing about. some of her songs also used a language she created herself! haha.. so NO ONE could understand it.. but it was just amazing! her voice, the style her costumes.. everything!
(Getting distracted with people chatting to me on facebook, haha.. I've forgotten what else I wanted to write.)
Well.. i guess thats it really... Just had a great time, seeing music from all over the world. was a great experience, definitely worth it!! =D
More photos on facebook guys!!! I dunno why blogger hates me and wont let me upload =(
Week One O.o
First week of uni OVER!! =D .. relief!! I'm kinda happy to be back at uni.. but kinda bummed at the same time.. its NO where near as fun as jogja..
Finally got everything sorted, classes, timetables, the lot..
This semester I'm taking:
Japanese 3A
Indonesian Advanced
Linguistics: Phonology
Issues in contemporary education
Re-Orienting Asia
I should only be taking Indo and Jap, but with the new system of 3-unit subjects, I suffer! haha... Hopefully all goes well.
Not much news really, I met up with Linda today and we're gonna go to WomAdelaide tomorrow night, should be good, there's always someone raving about it, and Jess has a three day pass, so will hopefully catch her there too!
18 Days til my skates arrive!!! (hopefully) haha
So to sum it all up, first week of uni over, and I survived!! =D ... barely.
Oh yeah, I got randomly chosen to do a presentation in my linguistics class next week!!! fun *sarcastic mode ON* .. no idea what I'm gonna talk about =S
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