
Final year of uni!!! Cant wait for it to be over!! This is just a boring blog of randomness, with everything from figure skating and Nudie Jeans to outings with mates and crazy updates. Don't come back too often though, it takes me a while to put up anything new. I get a bit lazy, but what can I say, I am a procrastinating uni student...


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Study causes insanity!

Thursday, February 26, 2009 1 comments

I swear its true.. too much study causes insanity!! Or maybe its that I haven't really studied that much over the last year, so I'm not used to it at all anymore..

So much on my mind lately..


~Three days til uni starts and 4 chapters to go.. I think I can do it.. not sure about all the kanji though.. =S but I'll give it my best, the next couple of weeks are gonna be pretty full on I think.

~ Trying to work out how all of the program changes are going to affect me

~ Wondering when I'll get my transcripts from Jogja, so they will actually accept my enrollment here

~ What courses I need to take and how many, now with all of the credit points being cut in HALF I need to find two more subjects relating to my majors, which is proving impossible, there's only so many courses you can take in Indonesian and Japanese.

~ This leaves me with 6 credit points I need to take, and no subjects I can take them in... why did they have to change the program this year??!?! They even said the language students are getting screwed... and I'm doing two languages, so I'm getting double screwed!! and the double degree doesn't give much room to move either..

~ The Indo and Jap classes clash, they're on at the same time, dunno about the Japanese yet, but the Indonesian cant be changed, I NEED to take both, as they are my majors and I cant graduate without 6 semesters of each

~ Usually the 1st week back at uni is easy, just them saying what you're gonna be doing for the first semester, asking if anyone has any questions and thats about it.. but no, not this year, this year we're making a start right from day 1... so no extra study time that I thought I would get..


~ Trying not to miss them too much.. but not really succeeding

~ Hoping they miss me too

~ Rebuilding bridges that were burned

~ Feeling left behind cause everyone is either graduating this year, or already graduated.

~ Hoping I can bring street~street to A town!! I wanna have time for fun this year, and not only that but be organised enough to make things happen, and make the most of opportunities in Adelaide!


Dama udah pulang!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009 3 comments

"Temenku yang paling cantik udah sampe Australia... aku senang sekali."

So much for study...

Friday, February 20, 2009 0 comments

As usual, I was supposed to study this morning.. need to get to chapter 40 in みんなの日本語 before uni starts.. So I've got just over a week to do two months work... And do you think thats motivation enough to make me study?? No.. its not! I only studied one chapter before getting lunch with Isa, we went to the bakery down the road, and didn't do much study after that, instead we went down south, stopped in at mums house for 10 minutes before heading down to the beach. It was so much fun, we just took a bunch of photos and then had to leave, cause I still had to pick my bro up at 5pm. even tho we were driving for about 2 hours only to spend half an hour on the beach.. it was still heaps of fun =D 

The agenda for tomorrow?? .. STUDY!!!! No distractions!! 

My layout


Having trouble with this blog!! The new layout isn't from blogger, but I downloaded it from a 3rd party site.. So I cant use the normal edit options, but I'm having to edit the HTML codes, which is a bit confusing for someone who's never done it before! haha. I guess the main thing is the navigation bar is gone! *poof* ... So I made a makeshift one, but I dunno how its gonna work for you guys! haha.. I think its only gonna work for me. Also the "comments" section has changed, so I don't think you can leave "Anonymous" comments anymore =( which sucks for those of you who don't have a blogger (google) / live journal / word press / type pad / aim / open id.. but hopefully I'll still be getting comments from you guys!! =D

Anyways, let me know what you think of the new layout, n if anything else is stuffing up, I'll try to see if i can fix it.

New Blog!

Thursday, February 19, 2009 1 comments

Been thinking about it for a while... My other blog was supposed to be for my ACICIS experience, and now that its over, I wanted something new. but how?? I thought if I change my url, then I'll have to tell everyone the new address, n that would be too much hassle! Then Rad suggested I just change the url on my old blog, and move it to my new one =D now why didn't I think of that??!?! 

So here it is.. Bask in its glory! hehe

My ACICIS blog is still there, santai aja.. hehe.. can be found in my profile or just search www.acicishereicome.blogspot.com