
Final year of uni!!! Cant wait for it to be over!! This is just a boring blog of randomness, with everything from figure skating and Nudie Jeans to outings with mates and crazy updates. Don't come back too often though, it takes me a while to put up anything new. I get a bit lazy, but what can I say, I am a procrastinating uni student...


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Pesta perpisahan

Monday, July 05, 2010 3 comments

Ok, so after the whole broken ankle / leg thing I've just been at home, on the couch pretty much 24/7. I have no bed, I just sleep on a mattress on the floor, but its too much effort to get up and down that low with my leg the way it is, so I've even been sleeping on the couch.

Feeling pretty crap about not going anywhere or doing anything, and only 2 of my friends coming to visit... btw, thanks so much for keeping me company guys!!

Anyway, yesterday was my first outing!! Stacey is going to Jogja next month for the new ACICIS teaching program so she had a farewell BBQ & dinner yesterday. I took some drugs before I left just incase, but my foot did pretty well I think. I'm normally nervous when I go somewhere I'm not going to know anyone, but this time I really didn't care. I was just so happy to be out of the house and off of the couch!

When we got there I helped chop and peel a few things, but I still felt pretty useless. people soon began to come and everyone was really nice. A few of Stacey's indo friends came too, so I got a bit of practice in... ya walopun aku malu awalnya (ngaku) haha. tapi kan gak separah stay di rumah aku kaaaann.. wakakaka. anyway, the BBQ was good, but as usual, I needed someone to help me carry my plate. using crutches is so annoying.. you cant carry anything for yourself cause you need your hands to walk!

Anyway, we stayed until about 6:30 when the last guests had to leave and Stacey wanted to go out to A Dong with 2 of her other mates. I came along too. but there was no time, my brother was already on his way, so pretty much after I ordered, I had to leave... I felt so bad about it. but my bro had already come, so we left.

on the way home dad called and I was talking to him in the car for pretty much the whole ride home. then ended up having maccas for dinner. ... pengennya A Dong malah makan McD huaaaaaaaaaaa.. haha..tapi gpp deh.. I still had fun.

Bad news


So, its probably about time I updated my blog.

Two weeks ago today, everything was as usual. I was at the rink practicing before my lesson. The practice was going pretty good and I was working on backspins. I FINALLY got it!! .. a nice good back scratch on an outside edge! felt so good! I was so happy. couldn't do it consistently, but I was still happy none the less. Something I had been trying for months and I finally got it! just soooo happy. kept trying, it was on again off again, but I was getting closer. First time my backspin felt good!

I fell a few times, but nothing bad. but then... the unthinkable happened.. i fell again.. and .... crack...

"That felt weird", I thought as i sat on the ice too afraid to move.

There was no pain, none at all, but I knew my leg shouldn't have bent the way it did. My leg was numb as I sat there on the ice. I still didn't wan to move, I didn't want anything to be wrong with my leg. So I sat there, holding my leg on the ice. People started to notice I didn't get back up. A couple of coaches yelled out,

"Are you ok??"

.... I didn't want to answer.. I didn't know if I was ok or not.. I was hoping for the best but thinking the worst.

"maybe", I called back.

My coach came over and asked me what happened. I explained that I fell and my leg went into an awkward position.

"If you've done something wrong you'd probably be in a lot of pain", she said. "Can you try to stand up?"

I still didn't want to move, I didn't want it to be real. I just wanted to pretend there was no problem. I wanted to keep skating, but I was too afraid to move. They convinced me to try and stand up without putting weight on my leg... but I couldn't. So I sat back down on the ice not knowing what to do.

Before long a wheelchair was brought onto the ice and I was wheeled away. I put my skate guards on, not wanting to remove my skate, and made my way to the hospital with my brother.

An hour later someone came to see me, opened my skate and then started speaking doctor language. the only thing I knew was that it wasn't good. I went in and laid on the bed before being called for x-rays. I didn't want to call mum or dad, didn't want to scare them and I didn't know what was going on yet anyway. after the x-ray the doctor came to see me and said i had a broken ankle and fibula. not really great news, but it let me relax a bit, at least now I knew what it was. Not only that, but to make things worse, I tore the ligaments in my ankle, meaning I would need surgery. The theatre was completely booked out and I didn't want to stay the night so they put it in a temporary cast, scheduled surgery for the following night and I got to come home.

I called mum and dad, Mum freaked out, and cried as usual. I was the one calming her down! haha. Dad seemed pretty ok with it all. The next day Mum jumped in the car and drove all the way to Adelaide, and I'm glad she did.

Surgery went well, they basically tie the two bones together so they cant move, giving the ligaments a chance to heal properly. I spent the next 4 days on the couch. Mum was great, helping me do things, making me breakfast lunch and dinner, and she calmed down after she realized I was going to be ok. Saturday she went back home again, and I spent the next 7 days on the couch.

The pain in the beginning was almost unbearable and I was going through so much morphine it wasn't funny... great pain relief, but damn that stuff makes me itchy! Now its not so bad, I'll get pains occasionally, but nothing 2 panadol and 2 panafen plus cant fix.

So its been two weeks already, but in some ways, it feels like I've been on this damn couch for months! .. I've got another 4 weeks (approx) before I can try to walk without crutches and about two and a half months before I can skate again. I was so disappointed too, because it was the beginning of uni holidays, I was about to start private lessons, get a program together and compete in the winter showcase, but now none of that can happen.

Anyway, I think I've written too much! long story short, I broke my ankle and leg, but I'm getting better slowly and can't wait to get back on ice!