
Final year of uni!!! Cant wait for it to be over!! This is just a boring blog of randomness, with everything from figure skating and Nudie Jeans to outings with mates and crazy updates. Don't come back too often though, it takes me a while to put up anything new. I get a bit lazy, but what can I say, I am a procrastinating uni student...


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My new room

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another post I probably should have done about a week ago...

Well... I've been on the couch for AGES, like almost 2 months... With no room of my own, I finally decided to get it organized. I got my brother to move all his stuff out of my room and I went to mum's place to pick up everything I had put in storage. Hauled it all over to my place, and put it in my room... soon realizing that i had no where to put it all, i got my bookshelf from mum's place too, which was a great help! Before i got to putting in all of my stuff though, I put in the bit things first, the bed, the desk, keyboard and my drawers, they all did several laps of my room.. being put in every possible location before I decided on my final setup..  Now that the big things were in, all the little stuff could come... and it did!! 

I couldn't even get in the door, or open t wide enough to take a better photo. Anyway... a few hours later (understatement of the century!!!) believe it or not, I got most of this stuff to fit in my room.. and it now looks like this!

Bagus kan kamarku?? hehehe... aku ikut heru deh.. pake air mattress.

So what do you think of my room?? .. I like it! I'm happy I finally have my own space.. I was living out of a suitcase for a while.. and I think finally having my own room and my own space has made it a bit easier to settle back into life in Australia.

COMMENTS?? hehe.. indonesia banget ya?? hehe banyak lukisan & ukiran di kamarku.. ada juga foto kalian semua!! n satu sarung, dipake sebagai pelindung keyboard.. hehe.


  1. Unknown said...

    I love ur room, it has those kinda 'Asian' smell in it, hahahaha, anyways, where's ur keyboard?! I wanna play it remember? or ure planning on a piano? HAHAHAH....anyways, will try to find a time to get into ur asian space an ruin it :p lol

  2. Brendan said...

    if you look in the 2nd photo you can just see my keyboard.. hehe.. its the black thing next to my drawers... its go the garuda carving on it

  3. Dama said...

    horeeee!!! aku bisa bobok di situ aja klo ke rumahmu hehehe...

  4. Anonymous said...

    you have a new room full of stuff and i have an empty space .... haha ... glad you feel more settled. i will have to come and look at the finished product. xmumx
    ps. how do i become a 'follower' ? it wont let me !!!

  5. Brendan said...

    @Dama haha.. ya.. boleh aja.. cukup gede kok.

    @Mum.. on the dashboard page you gotta click add in the "follower" section.. then put in my url: www.indobaz.blogspot.com" =D

  6. Brendan said...

    either that or there should be a "follow" button on the main page, at the top on the right hand side =)

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